TAKING THE ONE SEAT is John M. Travis’s first book and it is based on Buddhist teachings he garnered over decades of work in Asia with some of the most profound masters of our age.
In this collection of Dharma talks given by John, we understand the hope of liberation – if only we can turn our thoughts inward and persists with the practice despite all of our doubts and distractions and difficulties. If we persist then we could come to true clarity and understanding.
This book is available at the Mountain Stream Meditation Center. It is also online at numerous locations including Barnes & Noble and Amazon. You could also special order this collection in any bookstore in over 50 countries around the world.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: John Travis is the founder of Mountain Stream Meditation Center in Nevada City, CA.
He has practiced Insight Meditation for over 40 years. John completed a four-year senior teacher training with Jack Kornfield and is a Spirit Rock Teacher Emeritus.
John has lived and studied in Asia for a decade under several great meditation masters. Some of these master include S. N. Goenka and Anagarika Munindra. John took a period of monastic ordination in the Theravada tradition under Thangpulu Sayadaw. He also took a brief novice ordination under Kalu Rinpoche.
From his years of practice and training John’s voice offers his readers reassurance, and he counsels trust and perseverance. He knows first hand that liberation is possible. And he wants you to join him in this marvelous journey… Take the particular teachings that most touch you as medicine, as jewels, as an invitation to live with love and joy amidst it all. May this book be a blessing to which I add my own. Metta”
Jack Kornfield, Spirit Rock Center 2019
Also available at Mountain Stream Meditation Center online is a series of podcasts / audio talks that correspond to the certain chapters of the book Taking the one Seat, by Mountain Stream Guiding Teacher, John Travis. Click Here to access them.

“As a Teacher, I am deeply inspired by students’ progress with the practice and letting go of old baggage. It inspires me to ‘take the one seat’ and continue questioning myself.” – John M. Travis