Rev. Knox Inspirational Bits

Carol Ruth Knox

Rev. Knox was an inspired person, so here are some Inspirational Bits that Dr. Cross put together for you.

“Courage is a solid, confirmed conviction, contained within one’s being, based on trust in the Presence that is God functioning always, everywhere, needing no proof, and no  results.”

Video Clip: The Path of Non-Duality (MP4)

CRK on Non-Duality – Video Clip
(Click Play button to the left to open video in new window)

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CRKIn Fear and Trembling And the Sickness Unto Death, Soren Kierkegaard writes,

“It is supposed to be the most difficult task for a dancer to leap into a definite posture in such a way that there is not a second when he is grasping after the posture, but by the leap itself he (or she) stands fixed in that posture.”

We use the phrase “Go for it” a lot in our society. The problem with the “Go for it” phrase is that we assume we know where we will land. One does not live courageously if he/she has to know where the earth will reach out and grab you or how you will land or who will catch you. You just must leap and spend your life in the instant of leaping.

Kierkegaard continues, “Perhaps no dancer can do it—that is what this knight of courage does. Most people live dejectedly in worldly sorrow and joy; they are the ones who sit along the wall and do not join in the dance. The knights of infinity are dancers and possess elevation. They make the movements upward, and fall down again; and this too is no mean pastime, nor ungraceful to behold. But whenever they fall down and are not able at once to assume the posture, they vacillate in an instant and this vacillation shows that after all they are strangers in the world.”

You see, most of us want to be able to leap in life and when we fall and crumble up, have nobody see us, we say, “Oh, I’m okay—I’m fine.” We are afraid to share with the whole world that we are vulnerable, we are crying, that it isn’t okay here, but even in the not-okayness we are dancers—elevated. Do you feel that? Then vulnerability too becomes a courageous act.



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