Welcome to Koho Pono Multimedia Publishing! 

Koho Pono specializes in innovation, awareness, science, process improvement, change management, and strengthening relationships for Business and Individuals. We support the evolution of consciousness and the pursuit of relevance in life by improving systems and relationships at any level. Our authors have a deep interest in contribution to their communities. We hope you share our interest in fiction, creative non-fiction, children’s books, business, science, engineering and self-help titles.

Our newest engineering release is peer-reviewed Constructing Competence in Failure Analysis: a technical and human factors guide (print, 499 pages), written by Debbie Aliya – Fellow of the American Society of Materials International. In this book she distills 40 plus years of observation, learning, and investigations of failed plastic and metal parts to create a new way to prevent bias in very-human situations where “failure” drives cover-ups, hiding information and the real reason “why did it fail?”.  Debbie Aliya also introduces a new way to categorize ductile and brittle failures that is highly robust compared to traditional notions of ductile and brittle failure. Following the data and building on the pioneering work of Dr. William T. Becker, she restructures fractography’s use and utility in failure analysis investigations to assure better and more communicable results to business.

Our newest  fiction release book is Wolf in my pocket (ebook) by children’s book author, Jaki Fey – an archetypal and modern fairytale with a little-girl hero. This book features renown artist, Keith Yurdana, who deploys  eerie organic shapes in his art implying an other-worldly biology that is strangely relatable yet also implying transformation. The combination of Jaki Fey’s archetypal story and Keith Yurdana’s eerie and relatable other worldly art sets the stage for Anka and her hero’s journey.

Also, please be on the lookout for our other books, which can be found under the ‘books’ tab.

More: Constructing Competence in Failure Analysis or Buy Now

More: Wolf in my Pocket or Buy Now
