
The founders of Koho Pono, LLC (a multimedia publishing company) are passionate about growth and improvement for all aspects of life: business, career, relationships, and personal.

Our publishing company is dedicated to introducing individuals, businesses, and leaders to the emerging science of innovation, system improvement and change management. We are passionate about exploring new frontiers (going beyond what is currently known and accepted) and supporting the evolution of consciousness while pursuing meaning in life.

To do this, we apply science as well as use examples & analogy & storytelling. It is our wish that you benefit tremendously from our work. Please let us know the areas of your greatest interest. For example,

BUSINESS – Innovation, improve any process or system, resource management, solve seemingly-impossible challenges (inventive-level problem resolution), risk management, technology breakthroughs, change management, how to make teams great (dysfunction into symphonic groups), integrating sustainability & livability along with profit & success. The applied science of innovation was first developed to methodically solve tough engineering problems. Over the past 60 years, however, this study has developed into a structured approach to all kinds of business issues and in the past ten years, has evolved to include more challenging situations such as human problems and culture change.

CAREER – Ten global trends, change management, balancing career ambitions with family needs, staying relevant in a global job market.

PERSONAL & SELF-HELP – the science of innovation applied to relationships and making your life “work”. In order to continuously improve one’s situation, it’s useful to start with the basics: managing psychological inertia (habitual momentums), developing ‘ideal’ goals, inventive use of resources, and effectively managing the change process.

SPIRITUAL &/or NEW AGE – living at the confluence of science and spirituality, scientific understanding of & overcoming “evil”, problem-solving (applying the science of innovation to) spiritual dilemmas, and manifesting ‘ideal’ solutions.

If you would like to help influence which knowledge modules and books we prioritize first, let us know your areas of greatest concern. All information is kept private. We never share your personal information with any one else. Our interactions are secure. We will try to acknowledge all inputs.

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Koho Pono publishes literary fiction in addition to nonfiction: business, self-help, and spirituality & new age.

The company’s primary office is in Clackamas, Oregon. You may also contact us through our Silicon Valley number (California, of course) – (408) 689-0888.

Koho Pono books are distributed through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Baker & Taylor, Ingram, and through Koho Pono direct sales & distribution.


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